Tuesday, November 23, 2010

PAN at the Window Yet Again

Another Peter Pan movie is coming...
sort of...

I'd heard about this one the first time it showed up on the horizon way back in 2006.  But, as with anything and eveything in Hollywood, the changing of hands and decisions and delays caused it to wait by the window for a while.

This new film won't be a direct version of Barrie's tale.  It's of the "re-tooling" variety.  Here, Captain Hook is a former police detective in search of the child-kidnapper Pan.  Doesn't sound too bad in the sense of having a little fun with the tale.  I also recall it being set in New York, though the filming is set for Europe next fall.  The script (at the time of 2006) is by Ben Magid and it's (currently) just called PANBen Hibon will direct.

I wonder if it will just be a romp in the sense of playing around with the elements, but not including any of the deeper psyche.  One would hope it does do so, considering "profiling" is so much a part of the "police mythos" we've come to expect regardless of how much its grounded in reality.  (Which of course it is... but stories tend to exaggerate the truth.)  The other factor that makes it seem like it won't miss the levels of Barrie is that it's reportedly "dark."  Of couse, that could just be a reaction to the "child napping" aspect being played up.

Here's hoping it's a good take on it.


Anon said...

Hook as a cop? Sorry, not seeing it.

Peter Von Brown said...

Well, in this version Pan is the bad guy. (Not that it's black and white in the original story.)

Anon said...

As opposed to the real version? :P

Seriously, though, you're right, it's not--and the idea of making it so loses a lot of interest for me.

Jason A. Quest said...

Anon: What makes you assume that casting Hook as a cop makes him a (black and white) good guy?

Anon said...

Nothing. But Hook's a PIRATE--hence, a CRIMINAL. I can't see him on the right side of the law, irrespective of whether that makes him a "good guy" or not.