Friday, June 27, 2008

Crème de la Theme?

I’d like to point out a bit of fine writing. Many of you will probably think I’m nuts. But if you do, I urge you to visit (or re-visit) the work. I am talking about a television theme song. I’d venture to say that a “good” theme song should be catchy, or at least compelling if "catchy" does not fit with the tone of the show. There’s nothing worse than a lousy opening to a show. (Okay, not nothing worse...don’t nitpick.) For those shows that have words set to them, when done right, the lyrics should describe the premise of the program. Now, despite how you feel about this particular television series, I find it hard to deny the brilliance of the theme. It not only contains the aforementioned elements, but it introduces the characters and gives insight as to their relationships as well. Plus, it has delicious rhymes. I also rather enjoy the animation style here. And so, regardless of how you may or may not feel about the show itself, I invite you to watch and listen to Ann Hampton Callaway’s masterpiece, the theme to The Nanny. It’s one of the best.

Also of note, The Nanny is one of Bart’s guilty pleasures…and a co-worker informed him that a line from it showed up as a $1,000,000 question on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? “Who is the lady in red when everyone else is wearing tan?” [Which is also a fine example of the succinct yet much-revealing (dare I say poetic?) lyrics.]

1 comment:

Danielle Filas said...

Sorry. Have to disagree with Bart... hate the show. (She's just so annoying!) BUT have to agree with you... Great theme song!