Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Plot Twists? No, Plot Braiding.

Very late last night (the wee hours of the morning, in fact) I made great progress on Peter Pan: Betwixt-and-Between. No, I didn’t write any more of it (not counting a few tweaks.) Rather I wound up shuffling texts around. Specifically my notes to myself for the rest of the story. Since I had just figured out the specific order of a few events the other day, I wound up with a much better handle on the rest of them. I saw that one note could be paired with another, this scene belonged two notches down, and so forth. I wound up with an outline up through the end of the novel. Hoash! I’m sure the characters will send new moments my way or take me variant routes. Even while re-configuring it one of them showed up to put in a scene I thought I’d not be using. But now I am — however not at all the way I originally conceived it. How nice to have it all fall into place beyond a general understanding of the story.

If you’re wondering how I would not have already had it all plotted out, see this post.

It’s going to be fun to write the rest. Ever onward.

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