Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Neil Patrick HOOK??? (& Setting Sail!)

So I've been busy the last few days.  Today is moving day for me.

Sorry I didn't produce a special HALLOWEEN post... I truly do feel bad about it.  But other obligations took precedence.

I hope these pictures make up for the lack...
Neil Patrick Harris came on Ellen's Halloween episode this year dressed as none other than Captain Hook!  He's got the hand wrong, but I think we can forgo the stickler-ness for a simple lark on a holiday.

Then, on Twitter, Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) tweeted out a picture of his family.  His partner and their kids certainly look great, don't they?  Love the leaves.  Bravo!

My next post will be from my new place...

1 comment:

Mel said...