I'm back!
Bart and I had a lovely visit back in my hometown with my parents. A low-key but relaxing Xmas, filled with cookies, relatives and nice times.
Bart and I spent New Year's Eve back here in Chicago and then had our Xmas with each other... among other gifts, he had my Metropolis poster (which had been sadly stuck in a tube for way too long) gorgeously framed in a double rim of red and gold! Thanks, Bart! He's going to "guest blog" about our Eve, so you can wait until then for the details.
Tonight we have our THIRD Xmas, with Bart's Dad, his sister Lage and Aunt. And yes, we have a FOURTH on the way, too... with his Mom, her best friend and Bart's psuedo-cousins. A FIFTH is likely with my buddy Laughter.
I'll be back to regular story/writing related posts in the next one...
I'll start now.
I finished a chapter of the latest book on the plane ride. Somehow it's thrilling to know that part of the story had been composed sky high. For the handful of you who know the plot of the novel, you realize the added "cool" of it being written while crossing a Time Zone. And for the record, I did not type on a laptop. I wrote the old fashioned way... on whatever scraps of paper I had with me... like the other side of my printed out Boarding Pass. It's all since been typed in. And revised. On to the next chapter!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
I gathered up quite a few ideas to post about, so until then...
HAPPY 2009. May it be bring us all Fantasy.
Happy New Year, Peter! :)
I thought I was the only person subjected to a minimum of four Christmases...we usually have six!
A framed METROPOLIS poster? Sounds great.
And congratulations on the new chapter! It does make it cool that you wrote it 'sky-high' and while crossing time zones. :)
Oooh. Save those scraps of paper for when you're famous and some lowly college kid wants to research your work. Think of how excited s/he will be to find those!
HA! I'll do that...
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